Matariki Star

This week we have been learning about matariki and we had to make a DLO about it.

Here is mine!

2 thoughts on “Matariki Star

  1. Kia ora Georgia,
    I like how you made it so if you clicked on one of the Matariki sisters it would take you to a little page with information about that star.
    This taught me more about Matariki and the sisters.
    Next time, you could ad a little more information on the sisters, just because there’s not really a lot happening in the information pages.
    Although, this is a great post, keep up the good work.
    -Ella m

  2. Hiya Georgia! <3
    I really like this slide and i think you did an amazing job doing the presenting, writing and even the backgrounds of this are cool! How long did it take you to make this? Did you hae help? Are you proud of it??
    – Have a great day and an even better night~Azura <3

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